- Detail Design - Fabrication and Assembly - Installation - Commissioning and Tests
The concept of the CORES (Components for Ocean Renewable Energy Systems) project was to focus on the Oscillating Water Column type devices as the primary power convertor, as these have been shown to function with consistent reliability, amongst Wave Energy Converters. It was decided to use the OE Buoy quarter scale hull, as the test platform at the Galway Bay Test site, that had previously demonstrated survival capability in extreme environmental conditions.
Kymaner was the supplier of the 15kW scale-model PTO, designed and tested by the Technical University of Lisbon (IST) in the aerodynamics laboratory; set for the ¼ scale OE Buoy wave energy converter. The project would prove to be a success, after enduring 2064 hours in the water during testing; accumulating 816 hours of data collected; and the PTO performing better than anticipated.